Habitat Zero

Very much under construction

Questions or comments? Email me at jf.arseneau at gmail dot com

What is Habitat Zero?

Habitat Zero is a project to research, develop, refine, and build open-source technologies for a sustainable and high standard of living habitat colony that could exist in extreme environments such as Mars, the moon, or inhospitable corners of the Earth.

Distributed DIY

Through a constellation of existing and new projects, Habitat Zero wants to build itself by building up others, and freely distribute the methods back to the DIY community.

First-class Cybernetic Living

Current designs for space habitats are crammed purely functional designs not meant for long-term living. Habitat Zero aims to build a habitat that doesn't set the bar at only survival, but instead goes beyond the living standards of developed cities of today, by bringing together thoughtful design and advanced technology.

Free Culture Haven

There are currently two models for the development of space technology: national space agencies or private industry. We want to build another alternative born out the open-source and free (libre) culture movement. Based in the free sharing of information and grassroots, decentralized, bottom-up innovation, we can build a more democratic vision of space colonization.

What Habitat Zero Isn’t

It is not an attempt to form a new country. We will follow the legal jurisdiction of the countries we are in, and respect its laws and sovereignty.

It is not an attempt to create a utopia. Just like a very nice house is not a utopia, it is simply a pleasant living environment.

Areas of Development

Environmental Engineering and Management

Environmental Engineering and Management Projects To Evaluate


AgriAquaFungiculture Projects To Evaluate

Power Generation and Distribution

Power Generation and Distribution Projects To Evaluate

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Projects To Evaluate


Construction Projects To Evaluate

Waste Management

Waste Management Projects To Evaluate


Housing Projects To Evaluate